The Other Tribe - Skirts

This song realizes and defines a concept of tribal bass. It contains vivacious tribal drums and other instruments mixed with alternative lingering vocals and stinging synths. The inclusion of wind chimes is a nice effect, providing a feeling of humility and presence in the song.
We are even presented with a slightly mainstream production during the transitional stages, but it is subtly hidden within concentrated, patterned intricacies that make the admission more than acceptable. Climaxes are fashioned, not simply to progress to greater heights, but to forge new passageways through the musical universe.
The video takes us through a venture of infinite delirium and portrays an intoxicating tribal version of wonderland. The creative and reflective chemistry between the song and its video is perfectly and piercingly tangible. The cast enact their roles brilliantly, the narrative and props are inventive, the band are fully involved and the final collation is chilled, precise and astounding.
Skirts has a clever design of effortless coolness and performs an extremely catchy routine without actually trying to become mainstream. The song could easily have been another piece of mainstream trash but instead it is a translation, reinvigoration and evolution of the very meaning of ‘mainstream’. Skirts is a song that you play at three in the morning, carelessly dancing the night away. This is a disco song for the wild.
Rating: 9/10


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